Seneca Dragonfly Mark 2 .177: Part Seven

Seneca Dragonfly .177.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

This report covers:

  • To begin
  • The test
  • JSB Exact Heavy
  • H&N Sniper Magnum
  • Accuracy versus pump strokes test
  • Adjusted the scope
  • Three pumps
  • Four pumps
  • Five pumps
  • Summary

Today we back up to 25 yards to test the accuracy of the Seneca Dragonfly Mark 2 in .177 caliber. I also start testing accuracy with a varying number of pump strokes.

To begin

From the 10 meter test in Part 6 we learned about two pellets of the ones we tested that were the most accurate in this air rifle. They were chosen for today’s test.

The test

I fired the rifle off a sandbag rest from 25 yards. The rifle was rested directly on the bag. I pumped the rifle 6 times for each shot (until I say otherwise) and I shot 5-shot groups. The rifle is still scoped with a UTG 3-12X32 Bug Buster scope and the scope hasn’t been adjusted since the 10 meter test back in February.

JSB Exact Heavy

The first pellet I tested was the 10.34-grain JSB Exact Heavy dome. In Part 6 five went into 0.223-inches at 10 meters. Today five went into 0.69-inches at 25 yards. Four of them are in 0.265-inches and I thought I was going to have a great one, but the fourth shot went wide. It wasn’t a called pull, it just went wide on its own.

Dragonfly JSB 25 6
The Dragonfly Mark 2 .177 put five JSB Exact Heavy pellets into a 0.69-inch group at 25 yards. Four are in 0.265-inches. That lone pellet that’s high and right went there on its own.

I’ll reserve commenting until I see the results of the second pellet.

H&N Sniper Magnum

The second pellet was the H&N Sniper Magnum. In Part 6 and from 10 meters this pellet put five into 0.503-inches, but four were in 0.223-inches. However, in Part 4 with open sights the same rifle put all five into a 0.322-inch group. So this pellet showed a lot of promise.

From 25 yards the Dragonfly Mark 2 put five Sniper Magnums into 0.822-inches at 25 yards. Shots three and five went low and left and once again there was no called pull.

0Dragonfly 25 Sniper 6
Five H&N Sniper Magnums made a 0.822-inch group at 25 yards.

Shop SIG Sauer Airguns

Accuracy versus pump strokes test

Now I started the accuracy versus pump strokes test. In other words, I shoot 5-shot groups at 25 yards with the same pellet but with a different number of pump strokes per pellet.  You will remember that I also tested that when I tested the .22 caliber Dragonfly Mark 2. The .22 caliber seemed to like five pumps the best, making a 0.196-inch group at 25 yards.

I selected the JSB Exact Heavy for this test. I’ve already tested it with 6 pumps, so today I’ll also test it with 3, 4, and 5 pumps. Let’s go.

Adjusted the scope

Since both groups hit to the left of center in the first test I adjusted the scope what I thought were five clicks to the right. The problem is I could not hear or feel the first few clicks, so I had to guess where five ended. I may have adjusted farther than 5 clicks. I’m pretty sure I didn’t adjust less than 5.

Three pumps

First I pumped the rifle three times for each shot. When I tested the velocity in Part 2 with 3 pumps using 10.5-grain Crosman Premier pellets I averaged around 500 f.p.s. This JSB pellet weighs a little less and is pure lead so it should go a little faster.

Five shots with three pumps went into 1.068-inches at 25 yards. The center of the group also dropped about 1.5 inches.

Dragonfly 25 JSB 3
On three pumps five JSB Exact Heavys made a 1.068-inch group. The first shot hit high and the other four grouped together below.

Four pumps

On four pumps the Dragonfly Mark 2 put five JSB Heavys into an open 1.195-inch group at 25 yards. This group landed a quarter-inch higher on the paper than the last one. 

0Dragonfly 25 JSB 4
On four pumps the Dragonfly Mark 2 put five JSBs into an open 1.195-inch group at 25 yards.

Five pumps

The final test I will do today is five pumps. The Dragonfly put five JSB pellets into an open 0.977-inch group at 25 yards. This group is in line with the target for height and still off the the right. a bit. Next time I need to move the scope 2 clicks to the left.

Dragonfly 25 JSB 5
On five pumps the JSB Exact Heavys climbed back up to where 6 pumps had them. They are still a little to the right and 5 pellets made a 0.977-inch group at 25 yards.


What we have seen thus far is this .177-caliber Dragonfly Mark 2 is not quite as accurate as the .22 caliber, but it’s not bad. It will certainly hold its own against a Benjamin 397 or a Sheridan Blue Streak.

I need to adjust the scope two clicks to the left before I start the next test. My plan is to test the rifle with this same pellet at 7 through 15 pump strokes.

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